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Apple Crisp


For Filling:
4 to 6 apples Granny or Red
½ Fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon plus of butter
1 cup of apple juice

3 drops of Cinnamon Bark Vitality Oil
2 drops of Nutmeg Vitality Oil

2 drops of Clove Vitality Oil
½ cup of NingXia Wolfberries.
½ cup of cranberries, raisins or currents


For Topping:
1 ½ cups of toasted old-fashioned rolled oats
3 tablespoons Young Living Blue Agave sweetener
1/3 cup arrowroot or 1/3 cup of whole wheat pastry flour
¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 tablespoon coconut butter
½ cup coarsely chopped walnuts or sunflower seeds


Young Living Oils Used in this Recipe:

#5633 Nutmeg Vitality Oil

#5620 Clove Vitality Oil

#5585 Cinnamon Bark Vitality Oil


EOK Copywrite 2022



In a sauté pan, lightly roast 1 ½ cups of old fashioned rolled oats. Stir with wooden spoon. When the oats turn a light golden color or you smell the richness of roasted oat flakes, withdraw from burner and stir.


In a large sauté pan place the toasted old-fashion rolled oats. Mix in the coconut butter and as it melts, blend it into the oats. Sprinkle the Blue Agave sweetener over the mixture and blend. Mix in arrowroot flour and ground cinnamon. Next, mix in the nuts. When well blended, remove from stove.


Preheat oven to 375F. Lightly use coconut oil and rub a 9”x7” baking dish. Place a light layer of the topping mixture on the bottom of the dish. In a bowl, toss the apples with the fresh lemon juice.


Slice apples thinly. Drip Blue Agave sweetener over the apples. Sprinkle NingXia Wolfberries and optional dried berries over the apple layer. Dot butter over the top of apples. Add Kuzu apple juice mixture over the top of apples with essential oils.


Place the toasted oatmeal topping mixture evenly on top of apple dish. Add enough apple juice to fill the apple dish, ¾ full.


To prepare dish for oven: The best bakers or parchment paper in a roll is usually sold at the health food store. Tan in color. Cut off enough to place over the top of the dish. Take the foil and cut into two sections. Fold one side over half the dish, and then fold the other piece on the other half of the dish. Never put foil over your food because of the the energy of foil and the possible small particles of foil can fall into your food. Always place the parchment paper first, and then the foil over it. Have something to place under the dish to protect your oven in case the liquid boils over.


Bake the dish at 375F for thirty minutes. Then turn oven down to 350F. Remove dish and lift foil. Take a fork and determine if the apples are cooked. If they are about 98% cooked, remove the foil and parchment paper to lightly brown the top. At this stage, if the fluid is too low and the dish is beginning to dry out, add water or diluted apple juice.When completed, let dish sit before serving. Excellent with coconut or almond milk. Best to eat sometime after a meal for better digestion or as a snack.



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Maria Low               (Distributor #10279)

Kathleen Karlsen   (Distributor #1043288)

​Information and statements on this website regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided is for educational purposes only. 

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